The trip to the botanical gardens was fun? i dunno (:
people have different opinions. :D
IF YOUR HORRIBLE candid shots are here. too bad :p
cotton tree. o.o was raining! (cotton)
waiting for instructions.
smiles (:
again. mr ng take de~
all clueless.
what so funny sia...
seeing what??
walk on foot path please
heritage tree search thingy?
heading off from rain tree.
come on people hurry up.
wait! havent say where go!! -.-
sean ruins picture..
HI wengyew (:
the HUGE rain tree (:
wanders around..
no comment?
both have care bear.. o.o
what you all looking at?
the girls
few of the boys.
best photo (:
hurry hurry prepare. here, louis, ayman and jeremy was placed upon the job of arranging us.
eh our class meh?
dark dark..
care bear .. AGAIN
jane planning?
walking walking walking..
walk somemore..
awaiting instructions.
our first class photo (: when first reached
lining up
not lining up.
the waterfall.
full view.
at the very start.
mr ng talking to.. uh. girls behind.
all so scattered.
like twins seh..
sunny arh..
hurry up! siala! my face o.O
slow people.
walk got style one.
seriously whats so funneh?
tired arh?
louis see what see.
walk and talk..
oops! got caught by kevin.. o.o
eh, still take~
walk faster la!
see! so many people in front liao.
orh hor! girls never line up!
what the hell so funny?!
talk somemore.
brief ann.
say hi (:
heh. got juslyn.
smile. blur!
Class 1e4 of 2009.
wa piang.. so many pictures.!! -.- heh. don kill me if alot of your face appears (:
credits to : me and 1e4 (:
we're still hungry!